The Kimberley Process Civil Society Coalition is the umbrella organization that acts as an observer of the Kimberley Process on behalf of civil society. Its industry counterpart in the KP is the World Diamond Council, which equally has observer status. Most coalition members come from Africa, the world’s main diamond producing continent. Representing communities affected by diamond mining and trade, they strive to improve diamond sector governance in their home countries. Their local and regional expertise enables them to follow up on KP implementation on the ground and articulate a grassroots perspective on the diamond sector at the KP forum. The coalition includes representatives from Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Lesotho, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe. One member is based in Belgium, which is the home country of the world’s principle trading hub for rough diamonds.

Réseau de Lutte contre la Faim (RELUFA), Cameroon
The Network for the Fight Against Hunger in Cameroon (RELUFA), created in 2001, is comprised of members of civil society and grassroots communities who joined forces in a concerted effort to fight poverty, hunger, and economic, social and environmental injustice on a national level. RELUFA aims to combat systemic problems that generate and perpetuate poverty, hunger and social, economic and environmental injustice in Cameroon.
Action Mines Guinée, Guinea
Action mines Guinée is an accredited non-profit non-governmental organization. Its main mission is to promote good governance in the extractive industries through awareness raising, training and advocacy.

Botswana Watch
Botswana Watch Organization (BWO) formed in 2016 is dedicated to promoting transparency and accountability in Botswana’s management and governance of natural resources. The organisation aspires to become the leading organisation on issues related to the extractive industries in the country. BWO also focuses on fiscal transparency, tax justice, combating illicit financial flows, conducting research, addressing corruption, anti-money laundering, and counter-financing terrorism.

Centre Centrafricain de Recherche et d’Analyse Géopolitique (CCRAG), Central African Republic
CCRAG is an association under Central African law which aims to deliver studies, expertise and training in the fields of research, management for public change, governance and the extractive industries. A member of the Kimberley Process Civil Society Coalition, CCRAG is today an organisation that participates in the fight against blood diamonds in the Central African Republic. It also advocates for the revitalisation of the artisanal mining sector and the improvement of the living conditions of workers on artisanal mining sites.
Center for Natural Resource Governance (CNRG), Zimbabwe
CNRG exists to ensure natural resources are a blessing and not a curse to the host communities. CNRG has begun a process of movement building throughout Zimbabwe by bringing together affected communities to capacitate them for direct non violent peaceful action to resist destructive mining.
Centre du Commerce International pour le Développement (CECIDE), Guinea
Created in October 2000, CECIDE is a non-governmental organization (NGO) which brings together actors engaged in reflection and activism around development issues related to the needs and rights of local communities. Its mission is to fight against poverty and inequalities by contributing to the promotion of active citizen participation in the process of sustainable development.
Centre National d’Appui au Développement et à la Participation Populaire (CENADEP), DR Congo
CENADEP brings together experienced and committed development workers to organize and support grassroots communities to improve their living conditions and to take charge of their own lives in a sustainable manner.
Green Advocates, Liberia
The Association of Environmental Lawyers of Liberia (Green Advocates) is Liberia’s only not-for-profit public interest environmental law organization. It works with a wide range of national and international civil society organizations and individual activists to promote public disclosure of financial transactions in the extractive industries and forestry sectors.
Groupe d’Appui aux Exploitants des Ressources Naturelles (GAERN), DR Congo
GAERN’s mission is to accompany the artisanal exploiters of natural resources and fight for the protection of the environment.
Groupe de Recherche et de Plaidoyer sur les Industries Extractives (GRPIE), Côte d’Ivoire
GRPIE’s main mission is to advocate for democratic, transparent and accountable management of natural resources for sustainable socio-economic development, and to promote the rights of communities affected by extractive industries.

HakiRasilimali, Tanzania
HakiRasilimali, is a research and advocacy network with membership across Tanzania and thematic areas within the extractive industry. It is deeply committed to its core mission of fostering accountability, transparency, and equitable governance. Registered under the Tanzanian NGO Act of 2012 and part of the Publish What You Pay (PWYP) network, HakiRasilimali is a key member of the multistakeholder group established by the Tanzania Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (TEITI).

International Peace Information Service (IPIS), Belgium
The International Peace Information Service is an independent research institute providing tailored information, analysis and capacity enhancement to support those actors who want to realize a vision of durable peace, sustainable development and the fulfilment of human rights.

Maluti Community Development Forum (MCDF), Lesotho
Maluti Community Development Forum (MCDF) was founded in 2013 by concerned citizens of Mokhotlong, Lesotho. The MCDF is a mouth piece for the marginalized communities within the mining locations of Lesotho. The Forum primarily targets those affected communities within the major national treasure points such as water resources (wetlands), sandstone mining, global warming, energy and farming.

Network Movement for Justice and Development (NMJD), Sierra Leone
Our mission is to engage in advocacy and strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations and right holders to effectively engage women, men, children, communities, government and other actors for the transformation of society.

The Observatory for Social Cohesion and Justice, Angola
The Observatory for Social Cohesion and Justice is an Angolan Civil Society Organization dedicated to the Défense and Promotion of Social Cohesion, Human Rights, the dissemination of Legal and Citizen Culture, therefore, we ensure Social Solidarity, Integration, Cohabitation, Legal Security, and Fight Against Inequalities in safeguarding the rights of all citizens and particularly those of the most disadvantaged.

Women on Mining and Extractive, Sierra Leone
Women on Mining and Extractives (WoME) is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation created in March 2012. WoME works with women affected by mining activities. It is a sustainable platform that promotes inclusion and social justice for traditionally marginalised groups, including women and young people. The organisation focuses on ensuring the equitable distribution of natural resources, particularly within mining communities, to support individual and community development.

Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association (ZELA), Zimbabwe
Formed in 2000, the Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association (ZELA) is a premier public interest environmental law group based in Zimbabwe. As a public interest non-governmental organisation ZELA seeks to promote environmental justice, sustainable and equitable use of natural resources, democracy and good governance in the natural resources and environment sector.
If your organisation wants to become a member of the KP CSC contact us at for more information about the application procedure.