Kimberley Process Civil Society Coalition

Fighting diamond smuggling and pollution: Final declaration of the Central Africa Regional workshop by KP Civil Society Coalition

Between March 28th and March 30th, 2024, Central African members of the Kimberley Process Civil Society Coalition (KP CSC) met in Kinshasa, DRC, to examine the current state of diamond governance in the region, map challenges and identify the potential for improvement. Representatives from six countries (Angola, Cameroon, Republic of Congo, Gabon, Central African Republic and Democratic Republic of Congo) attended the workshop, which focused on topics such as diamond smuggling, the embargo on diamonds from the Central African Republic, and the pollution of the Tshikapa and Kasai rivers. 

Participants were able to exchange views with DRC KP Focal Point and Chair of Working Group on Artisanal and Alluvial Production (WGAAP) Maurice Miema, DRC’s national EITI Director for the DRC, Jean-Jacques Kayembe.

At the end of the workshop, participants issued a declaration with relevant recommendations to regional authorities to improve diamond governance.

Read the declaration and recommendations.

More articles on the workshop:

L’atelier régional des organisations membres de la coalition de la société civile du processus de Kimberley démarre ce Jeudi 28 Mars 2024 à Kinshasa. – 27/03/2024 – Oisillons

La mise sous-embargo de la RCA, la contrebande et la pollution de la rivière Kasaï au centre des discussions à l’ouverture de l’atelier régional des OSC membres de la Coalition de la société civile du Processus de Kimberley. – 28/03/2024 – Oisillons

Processus de Kimberley : L’amélioration de la gouvernance du diamant se discute à Kinshasa avec la société civile de la région de l’Afrique centrale. – 28/03/2024 – Digital Congo

Réflexions sur le renforcement de la gouvernance du secteur de diamant en Afrique centrale – 28/03/2024 – Environews

For more information, please contact Jaff Bamenjo

Civil Society Coalition Coordinator

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